CAE Speaking. Part 2

Phrases and constructions to describe pictures

1)The picture shows/represents/displays… (someone + -ing)

The picture shows a girl reading a book

In the picture, we can see… (someone -ing) 

In the photo, we can see a cat crossing a bridge

There is/there are

In this picture, there are crowds of people travelling or in movement.

In the picture of

In the picture of the bus, the passengers seem to be feeling warm and cosy, as opposed to the picture of the cycler riding to work in the snow, which might be a bit uncomfortable and inconvenient

2)Present Continuous tense

In the photo, we can see a girl who is doing some ironing

3)It looks like (something is -ing) / it looks to me like (something is -ing) 

It looks to me like the student is preparing for his exam.

It looks like the musician is reading music and playing the piano while singing, which must be quite challenging.


The picture displays people watching comedy show which must be really enjoyable

5)Modals of speculation in the present

It must be freezing where you live (Must/might + Present Simple)

It looks like the traffic is really busy in London, which must be quite frustrating.

The girl seems to be writing a letter, in contrast to the student who might be writing vocabulary notes (Must/might+ Present Continuous)

6)I expect/imagine

I expect she’s on her way to school.

7)Linking words and phrases

(Whereas, while, compared with, in comparison with, in contrast to, etc.)

In the first pictures, the girl is absorbed in the activity, as opposed to the second one, in which the man seems to be bored stiff

These people might be feeling inspired compared to the other ones, who look quite discouraged


1)Why might the people feel proud in these situations?

2)How important might the feeling be to them?

1)In the first picture, there is a football team holding a cup, whereas the next one displays a couple who is holding a baby. I suppose the people on both pictures are feeling like that because they have reached their goals, which must have been quite demanding. The football players, obviously, have been aiming for winning the world cup, while the couple – for giving birth to a child. Both the football team and the married couple might have made 100% commitment to their dreams with no exceptions or excuses and now they have finally made it and got a huge sense of achievement. The teammates committed to becoming world-class professionals, as opposed to the husband and his wife who were determined to build up a healthy relationship, get married and have a baby.

2)And I expect the more different life joys these people sacrificed for accomplishing their aims the more proud they must be feeling now. Hadn’t they resisted the temptation to procrastinate or anything, they probably wouldn’t have made the grade. And we can see that all that hard work is paying off now.

*Note that the above example is a little bit unnatural, as in real life people don’t use complex structures and idioms that much, but it should give you a general idea of how your Speaking in Part 2 should sound like.