One day a cat called Vasya was flying a toy balloon. He was supposed to deliver a letter. And suddenly the cat got into an adventure. His balloon was popped by a bird. At first, Vasya decided to fly himself. So he flew, and he flew, and he flew. But then he remembered that cats can’t fly and splash! He fell down into the ocean. Vasya came up to the surface and looked around. he saw an island and swam right to it. When he got himself on the earth, Vasya thought that well, what he was going to do next. And he decided to find some creatures, that can fly or, at least, can fly better than cats do and give them the letter to deliver it. The cat walked for a while around that place and suddenly he saw some animals standing near a tree. Vasya came up to them and said to the animals in English with a strong Russian cat accent:
-Hi! Can you fly? I want the letter to be sent.
-No, – said the parrot.
-No, – said the pelican.
-Yes! – said the monkey.
-Do you? – asked Vasya.
-Wow! Splendid. I’d like to check it out. Can you fly to the top of that mountain?
-Нана. Don’t be ridiculous, – said the monkey, – I mean I could get it by plane.
-What? But how will you do it?
-Easy. I saw many times how people do it. Besides, I did it many times. I will dress up as a human and get on a plane.
-Oh, that sounds impressive! Monkey see monkey do.
-I said this is a very neat idea. You’re very smart.
-That’s because monkeys come from people.
-On the contrary, people come from monkeys.
-Really? But monkeys don’t make wars and pollute nature and they don’t cheat other monkeys, do they?
-But monkeys don’t invent things like the computer or The Internet.
-Well, many people are stuck in computer games and don’t evolve. And
The Internet has lots of harmful information.
-But monkeys don’t create artworks.
-The arts are needed to make people kind, friendly and light-hearted and give them some emotions like love. If you live in a peaceful and friendly world you don’t need the arts, you don’t need fake emotions, that you get from music or films.
-But you see only bad points in being a human. Inventions have good points and the arts have their good points either. they can change people in a better way. Anyway, human beings are better now than they used to be in ancient times or in The Middle Ages, arent’ they?
-Surely, I’m joking. Of course, everything has its good points as well. And you can meet people who live in a different world in their mind because the way we see the world is subjected to our mind to a certain extent, which is helpful, but which also can be harmful if you’re not down-to-earth enough. However, the world itself doesn’t exist with respect to “good” or “bad”. Animals don’t have the mind, that can analyse, so they can’t distinguish between “bad” and “good”. And even if people with a certain mindset are rare you’re sure to meet them if your way of thinking is similar to theirs. Close people gravitate to each other.
-But I bet however positively different those people are, they are not perfect too.
-Of course. You will never be perfect. But you should aim at perfection. You should act. And you should do it here and now. Action, here, now, at the moment – Here are the essential things. Past was in the past. Future will be in the future. You only live in the present.